Kanata no Astra Review (a.k.a Astra Lost in space)

Kanata no Astra Review

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"Kanata no Astra" made its debut last summer, produced by the renowned Lerche studio and falling into the Sci-Fi, Adventure, and Shōnen genres. This futuristic anime serves as an adaptation of the manga of the same name, skillfully crafted by Shinohara Kenta. Across a modest twelve episodes, the series embarks on a captivating journey, navigating a robust storyline that revels in unveiling fresh revelations at every twist and turn.

The show seamlessly weaves intriguing elements from each genre into its fabric. Despite its Sci-Fi roots, it skillfully incorporates Slice of Life nuances – pivotal moments that play a crucial role in alleviating the continuous plot twists orchestrated by the script. Notably, the narrative strikes a delicate balance between sentimentality and action, ensuring that the pacing remains as harmonious as possible. The narrative takes viewers on a journey that not only deserves a rewatch but, arguably, demands one.


What is Kanata no Astra about?

The tale kicks off with Aries Spring, brimming with excitement for the Planet Camp. She, along with eight strangers, embarks on a week-long expedition to the planet McPa. However, shortly after their arrival, a mysterious orb transports them into the depths of space, stranding them on an unfamiliar spacecraft. Yet, this marks only the initial phase of their extensive journey back home – a journey laden with awe-inspiring revelations and the forging of authentic bonds of friendship.

The homeward journey for this peculiar group won't unfold in a straightforward manner. Nevertheless, under Kanata's guidance and each individual's distinctive abilities, they will navigate the cosmos, striving to return home, even if their homecoming may not be well-received by some.

The Positive: Unraveling the Plot Twist Within a Plot Twist (?)

Kanata no Astra emerges as a series with a noteworthy edge in its pursuit of becoming a favorite on numerous lists, and this edge lies in its storyline. The narrative of this anime possesses a captivating element that can resonate with many – the elusive plot twist. What could potentially engage more than one viewer is the realization that the storyline of this tale should never be taken for granted. Just when you believe you have all the answers, it introduces a plot twist that compels you to reevaluate not only your responses but also your very questions.

Certainly, the storyline stands out as a rewarding aspect of this tale. Despite the continuous twists, it maintains plausibility and remains faithful to the unfolding narrative. To achieve this, a second strong element comes into play – the characters. For the story to progress cohesively, it is imperative to have characters that offer ideal support, and this anime delivers precisely that. Each character seizes their moment to shine, exhibiting uniqueness and distinctiveness. Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, each undergoes genuine development, justifying their choices and actions and accepting the consequences.

Continuing along the same narrative thread, I'll introduce another positive aspect: the constant moral predicaments faced by the characters, extending even to the audience. Amidst the plot twists, the series presents two formidable dilemmas, arguably the most significant ones. The first revolves around the rights of clones and humanity, while the second delves into subjecting humanity to its most profound revelation – disclosing that their entire history is, indeed, a fiction. At a certain juncture, it morphed into a lie, and under these falsehoods, they have constructed their entire current society. I commend the acknowledgment and, to some extent, the exploration of these themes, although the conclusion leaves room for reflection.

Kanata no Astra Trailer

The Downside: The Intricate Web of Plot Twists (?)

But let's keep our composure. While it's undeniable that the greatest strength of this anime lies in its plot, it also serves as its Achilles' heel. If the main allure is the plot, then its initial flaw can be traced back to the script. The challenge with the constant plot twists is their potential to confuse or disrupt the narrative's flow, and in Kanata no Astra, the primary issue in this aspect is the loss of pacing. The story escalates to heightened emotional peaks, only to be abruptly halted by some plot twist, resulting in episodes with excessively ponderous scenes that become wearisome.

The subsequent hurdle the script faces is an excessive fixation on plot twists. The emphasis on making each new revelation impactful might lead to overlooking essential details and explanations. Similarly, their preoccupation with constant plot twists results in the creation of overly convenient and possibly improbable situations. Granted, since it's fiction, we can overlook this aspect, but it remains disconcerting how conveniently pilots, geniuses, and doctors are all part of the team.

The final critique I'll level against the series pertains to how bewildering the excessive use of plot twists becomes. It's not that the explanations are lacking or that following the story's trajectory is excessively challenging; it's simply that they make everything unnecessarily convoluted and intricate by introducing revelations intermittently and altering objectives on each occasion. Let's just say they crafted a complexity that wasn't necessarily required, and while not inherently negative, it does become somewhat irksome.

Final Thoughts:

Kanata no Astra proves to be an excellent choice for a weekend anime binge, but it's crucial to approach it with occasional pauses for a more immersive experience. It's not just about consuming the content; it demands to be savored. As mentioned earlier, the narrative is abundant with plot twists, constituting both its strength and weakness. The noteworthy aspect lies in the juxtaposition of a non-complex plot with a script that introduces complexity, leaving viewers with the impression of being deceived by numerous twists when everything appears straightforward in the end. It's a tale that gives us everything and yet leaves us with a sense of having nothing.

Now, it's my responsibility to assign a final rating to this series, taking into account the sentiments expressed throughout this review. I would give it a score of 83/100. To avoid redundancy, I must emphasize my admiration for the plot, and if the script were less pretentious, the series would undoubtedly warrant a much higher rating. The animation is striking – yes, I said striking. The vibrant colors and adept handling of space shots make this anime visually appealing. While the soundtrack may not stand out as the best of its season, it still adds to the overall enjoyment of the series.

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