Your Lie in April Anime Review: Could I Reside in Your Heart?

Your Lie in April Anime

Today, I've chosen to share thoughts about one of my favorite series: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso.

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, internationally recognized as "Your Lie in April," was one of those anime that graced our screens almost three years ago. It stands as the animated adaptation of the manga bearing the same name, crafted by the talented Naoshi Arakawa. The adaptation was entrusted to A-1 Pictures, a studio celebrated for works like Anohana and Fairy Tail, among others. Before delving into the review, a quick heads-up: this discussion may contain spoilers, so if you haven't experienced this series yet, you might want to steer clear of this article. But let's cut to the chase and delve into what you're eager to explore: the review.


Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso unfolds the narrative of Arima Kousei, once a prodigious pianist groomed by his mother with aspirations she couldn't fulfill—a globally acclaimed pianist. The demise of his mother, also his teacher, leaves an indelible mark on Kousei. Stricken by guilt, Kousei ceases to hear the resonance of his piano during an eleven-year-old's competition, haunted by remorse. Unable to rekindle his former prowess, the piano keys progressively fall silent with each attempt. Since then, Arima Kousei perceives the world as monotonous and colorless, leading him to relinquish both music and the piano.

Fast forward two years, Kousei embarks on a routine school life with his two closest friends until a girl enters the scene, upending everything. Kaori Miyazono, an extroverted and beautiful violinist, epitomizes "freedom" through her music—a reflection of her personality, emotions, and an ardent desire to be etched in the memories of her audience.

Kaori reintroduces Kousei to the realm of music, advocating for a liberated and unpredictable approach—an artistic philosophy starkly contrasting Kousei's previous tutelage.


Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is one of those tales that grips you from the outset, possessing an ineffable "something" that's challenging to articulate. From its artistry, musicality, and characters to its poignant narrative, this series distinguishes itself as a paragon of excellence.

The series weaves an exceptionally realistic, enthralling, sorrowful, and at times agonizing tale. Yet, above all, it exudes sheer beauty. The drama unfurls against the backdrop of Kousei's past and Kaori's predicament, interwoven with the sentiments of other characters. The narrative components meld seamlessly, akin to puzzle pieces forming a harmonious "whole." Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso resonates with potent emotions, commencing with the enchanting scene of Kousei and Kaori's initial encounter—a spectacle featuring cherry blossoms, soaring birds, and a musical accompaniment that evokes sheer wonder.

Visually, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is a feast for the eyes. However, its crowning glory lies in the music. From the early episodes, the symbiosis of music and dialogue, especially with characters like Kaori, Kousei, and their rivals, creates a spellbinding fusion. While music stands as a cornerstone, the series doesn't hinge solely on this aspect. The music radiates brilliance precisely due to the narrative and its distinctive blend of comedy and drama. As the tale progresses, we unravel the roots of Kousei's regret—the impediment preventing him from playing—and delve into the genuine emotions of Kousei, Kaori, and their counterparts. As the narrative unfolds, the pressing question arises: "Can Arima Kousei reclaim mastery of the piano?"

Your Lie in April Trailer

Personal Opinion

Now, let's shift to my personal take:

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is a series I wholeheartedly endorse, particularly if you're yet to experience its magic. This narrative offers a rare gem—a protagonist's remarkable evolution. Initially depicted as remorseful, melancholic, and plagued by self-doubt, Kousei gradually blossoms with confidence, courtesy of Kaori and his friends' unwavering support.

While a thorough analysis might categorize the series as relatively straightforward, it's not merely "simple"—I mean to say its simplicity is profoundly moving. This is a subjective viewpoint, but when compared to other anime that incorporate music into their narratives, such as Fuuka and Fukumenkei Noise, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso accomplishes what those two series couldn't—eliciting a spectrum of emotions through music. Admittedly, this might hinge on personal preferences, given the distinct tales woven by these three series.

Yet, pinpointing one specific element as Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso's standout feature proves elusive. Whether it's character development, relationships, music, or the overarching story, each facet radiates brilliance. So, if you're yet to embark on this journey, I strongly urge you to do so.


Admittedly, I don't typically gravitate towards romance-centric anime, often finding them entangled in clichés. However, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso shattered my preconceptions about the genre. This series gradually tugs at your heartstrings, crafting a narrative that stands as a testament to its emotional depth—few series can match the profound impact of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso.

Have you watched it? What are your thoughts?

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